a-dharame - on an unreligious,evil path
aachaar - activities, pertaining to action
aad - beginning,first (different from unaad which comes first -pre- eternity)
aadaa - on the way
aado - crooked
aagalaa khaataa - accounts of before, accounts of past lives
aagam - the first, foremost
aage - before
aage-vaan - leader
aahaar - food,sustainance
aakhar vela - the hereafter, the last moment, the last cycle
aal,pareevaar - progeny,family
aangnne - at the residence of, at the proximity of
aannee - brought
aanno - accept, maintain
aapnnee aapnnee - ours ours
aapo hi aap - spontaneously
aarbee - Arab
aaro - fate,decision
aash - hope,reliance
aashaa - hopes and desires
Aashaajee(Ya Shahji) - Oh Lord (the following verse is dedicated to you)
aasheesh - blessings
aathe - pertaining to eight
aavaaj - sound,call
aavaas - habitation
aavo - come
abhaav - share,portion
abharaa - weak
abhed-e - purposeless
abheeyaa-gat - guest
adal feerohee - just
adhaar farjand - eighteen sons
adhure - partial
adka - many, more
ahunkaar - ego,haughtiness, false pride, egocentric
akaada - pods of ark
akhaado - gathering, play, gymnasium
alakh - unrecognisable,hidden,unlimited, undescriptible
ama tannee - my
amar - order,command
amarat - sweet, eternal, water of youth
amee-naa pyaala - small vessels of Holy water
amraapuree - eternal house, paradise
an-paanni - food and water
anant - eternal, unlimited(limitless)
andhaarun - darkness
andhle - the blind
anek - different kinds of
ann-ganneeya - many,countless
annta vichaaree - eternal(timeless) thoughts
Ansuya Kunta - mother of the paanch Paandwas
ant-kaal - final period
apaari - extremely beautiful
apraadhnn - sinful,guilty
apurav - rare
araj - request
ardaas - supplication
ardh-ang - half body
Arjun and Bhim - Two of the Paanch Pandwas
Asaahebaa - great souls
asat - false (opposite of sat - 'truth')
asur ne - to the faithless
aswaar - waiting, to mount a horse
athar jeev - followers of athar ved
athar ved - the forth ved(Holy Qur'an)
atee raleeaat - great happiness
avar - others
avataar - manifestation of the Divine
avtaareeya - manifested
avtaryo - incarnated
baal - child
baang-j - invocation of God only, call to prayer
baannu - ninety two
baaree - gateway, window
baaree - Childish
bagaadshe - will spoil,corrrupt,commit to sins
bahu - many,very
baaki - remaining
bakshhann-har - acceptor,forgiver of sins
Bal raaja - King Bal who was harassing the momins of the time of
the Divine manifestation of dwarf(vaymaan)
banaaee - made
bandaa - created being
bandhaannaa - bound to
baraa-bar - properly
barvant - perfect-bound
bataayaa - has shown
be kar - two hands
bedino - fishing boats
bes-se - will be seated
besa - pattern,rug
betha-rayaa - remained seated
Bhaadar nadi - River Bhaadar
bhaankhee - foretell,predict
bhaannej - nephew (from 'bhaa'-brother)
bhaar - burden
bhaaree - burdonsome, heavy
bhagat - pious(devoted) momin
bhalee - good
bhamann - the two,dual
bhanne - teaches
bhanneeye - understand
bharann bharaaveeyaa - fulfilled the wishes
bharpur - omnipresent
bharthaar - spouse(husband- the one who makes the material life complete)
bhatth - cookery,backery
bhav saagar - the ocean of the world, symbol of the universal soul
bhed - inner purpose,substance,significance,essence
bhereeyun - tom tom instrument
bhetaado - bestow
bheteeya - bestowed,blessed,embraced
bhettun - beseige,unite,be one with
bhit - wall
bhog-ve - sacrifices, undertakes, suffers , receives punishment for one's deeds
bhom - ground,land
bhraant - doubt
Bhrama - the Lord, the Creator
bhunddi - vulgar,evil
bhungnna - Buggles
bhut - body,statue
biraad - friendship
boode - to be drown (same as 'doobe')
Budh - eighth manifestation of the Divine
Buraakh - angelic horse also called Dul Dul
buri - bad, false
buzrag - distinguished,honoured,sage,experienced
chaar jug - four yugas,four cycles of time
chaddyo - have risen
chaltar - disguise,taqiyyah
chamar - decorate
chandan - sandlewood
char- she - will climb
charaa-dhaari- grazing animals
charlaa - the risen
chatoor - all intelligent
chaud bhamann - fourteen worlds,universes
chaud - fourteen
chaudas - four directions (awwal,aakhar,zahir and batin)
chen - play
chete - be advised
chh darshan - according to Hindu belief you are blessed with the
benefit of six deedars by going to the teerath
chh deen - six days
chh maas - six months
chhaaje - to be fit,to behove, to use , to benefit,beautiful
chhaano - silent,secret,unostentatious
chhaas - whey,watery part of the milk left after the separation of the curd
chhaaya - shadow
chham-chhar - era, anniversary,four seasons
chhatr - protector,guardian,covering, ceiling
chhedo - skirt,outlying part
chheepe - is covered,hidden
chheepshe - will be hidden
chhelo - final, last
chhodaave - free
cheenab nagri - area called Chinab, also called Chin-mah-Chin(China)
cheent - worries,concerns
cheep mahen - in silence
cheet - consciousness
cheetraave - decorates
cheetthee - note
cho- varanna - four different colours
chodhaar - everywhere, all over the place
chokho - perfect
chokee - watchman's gate
chokee - ceiling
choree - place where wedding takes place
choree bandhi - marriage ritual
chothe aasmaan - forth heaven
chovis karodd maanhe - the place of the 24 crore unliberated souls
chukaavo - observe, to pay back
chuke - miss out
d-haade - days
daade - branch
daaldr - extreme poverty
daan-pun - religious dues(duties), alms
daannav - demon, giant
daanno - grain
daas - slave, servant
daglaa - strides
dahaado - day
daeent - evil
daeent kaleengo - satanic power, demon, name of the opponent of the Imam
dai - give
dal - army
dall - leaf
darbaar - gracious presence
dargaa - place of gathering
dareeyaa - ocean
das-bandhi - one who is bound to the Lord by tithe(dasond)
das-me - the tenth
Dasond - tithe
dataar - saviour
dayaa - pity
dayam - everliving
ddhar-she - will pull,will drag
ddheethhe - seen
ddhor - animal, donkey
Ddhropadi - a saintly woman at the time of Lord Krishna,wife of the five Paandwas
ddhunddhiyaa - wandered, sought
deedaari -a murid longing for the deedaar(spiritual vision)or who has attained it
deekhalaaya - has shown
deen dayaal - mercy of religion(of the day, tiltle of the Lord especially
Budh Avtaar
deen - religion
deesethi - from the horizons of
deethi - saw
dehi - body
dekhataa - while considering,observing
desh-videsh - from country to country
dev sabhaa - gathering of spirits(angels)
dev - angels
devina - of divine
dhaar - flow
dhaave - suckle
dhan dhan karannee - happy deeds
dhandho - livelihood earning activity, commerce, business,deeds
dhankaay - covered
dhannee - master,owner
dhar - door,gate
dhar-she - to offer,to hold
dharaave - express,perform
dharam niyam - rigorous religious discipline, tenets of faith
Dharam putra - lit. son of Faith, title of Yudhishthar, the most pious of the five Paandwas
dharam-jug - religion of the time not to be confused with Dharma-
Yud(holy war)
dharam-sara - place of worship
dharamee - a religious person
dharyaa - take up
dhdhaamaan - big drum
dheeya-yaa - worship
dheeyaan - rememberance(of the Lord), meditation, contemplation
dheeyaavo - love
dohaagann - unwed,unhappy
dolaaviyaa - shook, vibrated
doree - rope
dosh - blame
doyaa - wash
doyelee - difficult
doylo - difficult,misfortune
dozakh - hell
Duaapur-jug - the era of Duaapur, age of equal truth and untruth
duja - other
dulaavo - to shake(destroy)
Duldul - horse see also Buraakh
dur chukaavo - annhilate, extinguish, take away, remove
durast- true,real
dushti - badness,wickedness
dwaare - at the doorstep, in the presence of
ek laakh ne chovis hazar - one hundred and twenty four thousand
ekaar - similar,same
endhaanni - call, sign
Erak khand - Iraq
fakeeree - in poverty ,simplicity
fal - rewards,fruits
fariyaad - complaint, supplication
Farsi Raam - King with a horse (sixth Divine manifestation)
fartaal velaa - eye of the Kaljug
feraa - ritual sequence, turns,rebirths
feraave - change
fervi - turned,changed,transformed
firastaa - angels
firti - wandering
fit-fit - ugly,hateful
fiti jaashe - will get destroyed
foj - army
funke - blow
gaado - bury
Gaangi-aa-Bhishma - the wise and old man of the Korwas-the enemies of Paandwas(the righteous)
gaay - cow
gaay-ko - of the musician,singer
gadh - hill fort, e.g. gadh Alamut- fort of Alamut
gaiyun - passed,went
gaj - measure of two feet
gaja-gemar - elephants intoxicated with pride haughtiness
gali - be buried
gam-taa - desired by
gamaayaa - wasted
Gangaa - River Ganges in India which serves as a purifying place for the Hindus
gann- group
garib - poor
gat jumlaa - the entire Jamaat
gati-yun loka - people of congregation, people of the earth
gayaa - gone
geenaan - Divine knowledge and wisdom from Sanskrit word 'Jnana'
geereeya - supplication
gemaar - ignorant,misled
ghaalyo - to push into
ghadi - time period of approximately 23 minutes
ghanne-ra - plenty
ghar sar - resided
ghasaaye - to rub
ghaso - rub,scrub
ghhaae-she - sweep
ghoda - horses
ghumaave - loses
Gopivar - Lord Krishna's name - Lover of the Gopis(young girls- symbol of immaculate soul)
Govind - The Lord
gujaare - perform
gujaaro - offer repentance, to live through
gulaam - slave
gumaavo - lose
gunegar - sinner
gunnshe - will vibrate
gupt - silent, hidden
Gur Bhramaa - Prophetic light(Nur-e-Nabuwwah), Creator
Gur Gat Gangaa - presence of Guru, congregation and purifying rituals(which function as the Ganges) - Jamat Khana
Gur Harischandra - one of the titles of Pir Sadardin- "Moon of God"
Guru - (perfect) teacher, remover of darkness(ignorance)
gusaanhiya - remover of darkness(gu)
haad - bones
haal vaayke - according to the current Farmaan
haal - repentence
haaryo - wasted, lost
haathi - elephants
haathi-du - hand, assistance
haathoi-haath - from hand to hand(personally)
hal-hal-kaar - noisy
halaak - fatigue,distress
hallve hallve - gradually
ham - I
hansa - soul
har - the Lord
haraam - illicit
haraaya - wasted
Hari - remover of evil(the Lord)
Hari var aale - make another person a true believer
hasti - an elephant
hathvaado - assistance,help
hatt - shop
hayraan - in trouble,difficulties
het - love
hetha-j - underneath
hinna - lower
hirakhe - with happiness
hiyaari - lover of the heart
ho-ho kaar - a lot of noise
hodi - sailing boats
hove - be
hui vadhhaai - become great with happiness
hukami firasta - commanding angels
hura hur - different kinds of angels
huraau - angels and spirits
husheeyaar - clever,intelligent
Husseini - sacrificing souls as those who gave their lives for Imam Husein at Karbala, descendants of Imam Husein
indo - egg
Ishwar Gorakh - Lord Gorakh
Ishwar - the Lord, the ruler
jaage - awake
jaaher - physical
jaamp - remember
jaap - holy Word to meditate upon
jaddyaa - connected
jaddtar - rivetful
jagaadee - awakened,kindled
Jakh - name of ninety nine crore souls that were graced with salvation in the first kalap(Jayla Kalap)
jalpaanni - all powerful
jamaade - feeds
Jampudeep - Indian subcontinent(metaphor for the eternal home)
janam - birth,incarnation
janjaar - complications,problems,world
jap-she - will meditate
jeenn bhut - evil spirits
jeev - souls
jod - connected to,company of
jogee - sage
jotaa - waiting
jug - age
jul-she - throb
juvo juvo - watch continuosly
jyot - light
kaachi indhri - the five (raw)senses
kaaher - coward
kaaje - fulfil the deeds
kaaji - judge form "Kaazi"
Kaan - Lord Krishna (eigth Divine manifestation), abbreviation of
Kaanji, name of Krishna respectfully called Sree Kaan
kaantiyaa - spun
kaape - cut
kaari - cure,purify
kaayaa - matter,material body
Kaayam - eternal,present,manifest
kabi - never, sometimes
kachhuk - minor
kadvi - of sour an unpleasant taste
kahaay - trench,ditch
Kahek - The name of the city where Shah Islam Shah resided
kahiya - near,besides
kain - many,all kinds of
kalaa - manifestation
kalaa-sun - form,manifestation
kalap,jug - periods of time
kalar - infertile ground
kalingo - evil, satanic force
kali-kaal - difficult age
kal-jug - the era of Kal-jug, the present age
Kalmaa - statement of faith
kamaai - income,inflow(earned)
kamaavo - earn
kamaiyo - rewarding actions and rules for right conduct
kami - shortcoming
kampe - tremor,shake
kancholaa - vessels,containers
kane - near
kanthi kanthi - continuosly explained,narrated
kanthnni - description, story
kanyaa - women,brides
kapaas - yarn
kapur - camphor
karaar - agreement,contract
karannee - good deeds
karavee - good deeds
kareeyen - We make
karodd - equivalent to 10 million, innumerable
Karsanaa- description of Lord Krishna(black)
Kartaa-jug - the era of Karta, age of truth
kas - physical hardship
kashoon - always
kasi - go through a tribulation or test,physical mortification
katak - armies
kathan - hard
keshav - the Lord-another name of Krishna
keedee - ants
keelaave - to be called as
keelaave - protector
keellaa - fort
keenaa - establish
keereeya - ritual ceremony
keertaar - the Creator
ketaa - how many
ketaak - first
khaal - skin
khaan - leadership(worldly)
khaaraa paanni - salty water
khaase - will consume,eat
khaddang - sword refers to the sword of Ali
khalak duniya - creation of the universe
khamiyaa - patience
khamtaa - patiently
khan khan - rattles
khann manhe - in a very short time interval form Sanskrit "Kshanr"
khando - ridicule,falsify
khanu - light bearing object,torch,sword
khari - real
khat - six
khavraave - feed
kheh - soil,dust
khel - game
khetr - farm,field
khinna - higher
khinnaa - highest
khnaa - crown
khodaa-she - dig
khot - loss
khuriyun - horses bells(noise making instruments) on the hooves
khuti - exhausted
khunne khunne - at every corner
khuwaar - useless
Kinar - name of thirty two crore souls that were graced with salvation in the third kalap(Arza Kalap)
kirtar - creator
kodaamanno - good-looking
kol - promise
kol - promise
Korab - the tortoise, the second Divine manifestation
Koravaa - the Korvas-enemies of the Paandwas- there were 100 Korwas- cousin brothers of the Paandwas
kot - fort
krapaa - mercy
kuddaa - evil,false
kudde kaam - evil work
kudde kudde - evil upon evil
kudratee - naturally,accidentally,miraculously
kungaraa - melodious noise making instruments
kunvar - young male, also prince
kupaatre - false container
kutumb - family and relatives
laadhaa - found
laaga - undertaking
laaj - honour,integrity
laakada - wood
laal zaver - red jewels
lag-nn - time period of
lagaar - at all
lagann - until,for a period of
lajaa - honour,respect
lakhaaya - recognised as,known
lakhiyaa - written
Lanka - Sri Lanka
likhaani - written
lilaa aakadaa - pods of a wild plant known as aak
liyanna - accept
lobhaanno - be greedy and possesive
lobhi - miser
lodhaa - iron
loh - iron
lohi - blood
loho - iron
lok - the general public
lok- heaven as in Tri-lok
loknu - of the general public
lunt-she - will plunder
maago - ask for
maakhan - butter
maal - possessions
maalek - kings
maamo - uncle(mother's brother)
maan chaavaanno - maintainer of honour
maaniyaa - obeyed
Maankhaa avtaar - incarnation of man, human being, human birth
maare - punish,hit
maarg - path
maaya - illusiory existence, attraction to
maayaa-maa - in illusion
Machh - half fish-half man(the first Divine Manifestation)
madham - mean,bitch
Madhusudhan Dev - Lord the seat of great consciousness(Madhu)
mahaa bandhavaa - elder brothers
Mahaadan(mahadin) - The great day,the day of reckoning
Mahavar - the great giver, the protector King
maherbaani - gracious,kindness
Maheshvar - the Lord, the destroyer(of evil)
makoddi - insects
malechh-maa - in a country where the majority of the population indulges in immoral behaviour, meat eaters, Muslims (see milach)
man bhaavyaa - won the hearts
man - mind,worldly thoughts,heart
man patinna - have faith
mandaave - begin
mangaavee - order
mann - forty seers
mannek - beads
marat - earth
mashaalo - torchlight
masit - mosque of the mainstream Muslims also masita
Mata Kunta - mother of the paanch Paandwas,a great saint
mayadaan - abundance of mercy
mayyaa - mercy
medeyo - grant
Mega - name of fivty six crore souls that were graced with
salvation in the second kalap(Fayla Kalap)
mehaj - rain
melaa - happiness
melaann-j - camp,party
meli - discard,abondon
melo - real congregant,beneficient
melyaa - left
mevaa - rewards
milachh - evil minded,meateaters, Muslims,(see malech-maa)
miline - abondon
mizaan - scales
modhaa - mouth
modhun - face
mohor - promise
mol - palace, heaven
moraar - exalted
morethi - come before,precede
motai - haughtiness,ego
muaa - dead person
mull - roots, foundation
mul - value(worth),right
mulak - country
Mulas chok - in the courtyard of Multan - mulak chok-country of 24
states,name of China
mulastaan - Multaan
muneevar - murids, followers
muraad - wish,desire
murakh - foolish, unfaithful
mustak - head
naad - nerve centres
naadh - call
naag - cobra,serpent
naagaa - naked
naanu baalak - small child
Naaraayan - The Lord
naaree kunvaari - unwed bride, chaste women
naath - Lord, Master
nadee - river
nadeeyen ji - at the river
nahee kuch - absolutely nothing
najar - sight,vision
najar-e dekhanta - visible form His own eyes
Naklankee - pure,without blemish,spotless(Name of the tenth Divine manifestation)
Nakul - one of the five Paandwas
namiyaa - humility
namtaa - in humility,bowing to
Nar-sinh - Man-lion (half man half lion)- name of the forth Divine manifestation
narag dwaar - hell
narge - to hell
nargee - occupant of hell,those who are on the wrong path
nath - master
nauv chhugaa - nine tussles
nauv-e - nine
nauv-naad - nine nerve centres
nauv-soh navaannu - nine hundred ninety nine
navsaa(Nav Shah) - another name of the Lord
navso - nine hundred
neechaa - lower
neeche prite - love for the lower things
neelee - indigo,green
neemaaz - formal ritual prayer of Muslims
neer - water
neereenjan - unknowable,unseen,formless
neermal - pure
neervaann - for certain
neervansh - annhilate,bring to an end the entire dynasty
neesaan- kind of flag bearing animal
neesar-she - remove
neestaar - resolution,
neet neet - everyday, day by day
neeveda - settlement
nehaar - affection
nuraani - enlightened
nyaay - justice
ochhaa - less
ochhun - little,insignificant
odhaarvaa - to save
odhavshe - will cover
oliyaa - descendants of the Imam
oonch - high
orakhiyaa - recognised
orkhi - recognise
paach-me - from the west
paachhali - at the end,
paagh - turban -paagddi
paake - ripen
paakhand - decievers,cheaters
paakhri - footstrap
paaj - bridge,way
paanch laakh - five lakh-500,000
paanch - five vices i.e. kaam(carnal desires), krodh(anger), lobh(greed), moh(deep love for this world), mad(pride)
paanch indhri - the five outlets to the material world(senses)
i.e. feeling,smelling,hearing,seeing,tasting
paanch-soh - five hundred
Paandav - Paandwas, the very devoted momins at the time of Lord
Krishna. They were 5 brothers,sons of King Pandu
paanni - water
paanti - part
Paap - sins
paar - limits
paarakhaa - test,trial
paarkhun - selector,evaluator
paataal - undersurface
paaval - Abe-safa, Holy Water
paaye - feet
pacchi - then
pachaas - fifty
padam - lotus position
padhaarath - substance
padshe - fall
pag - leg
paglaa - footsteps
pahota - attained,reached
paiyaann - beginning,understood
paiyaaraj - underground
palaanne - saddle
palange - at the coach,bedstead
palatra - next world, many more
par-naari - another man's wife
par-ninda - slander,back-biting,talking and thinking evil of
parabat - mountain
paramaa-nniyaa - substance,quality,nature
parann-she - will wed
parav - manifestation,form
paravariya - manifested
pardhe - behind the curtain
pariyaann - beginning, idea(concept,thought)
parkho - recognise,examine,realise
parle - afar
parmaann - atom,quantity
parsaade - according to,by the blessings of,gift, token
parsaagaa -
partaape - through rememberance
parvat dungar - mountain
pathar - stone
pat - status,state
pati - husband,lord
patianna - have trust
patolaa - spendid things
patr - vessel
paygamber - prophets
pechaa - yellow
peeaanna - mercy, to start journey
peelee - a type of a structure roof
peenddh - body
peene - after drinking
peenjare - prison
Peer - perfect teacher, appointee of the Imam of the time
peeyaann - mercy
peeyaannaa - supplication
per - sign
pett - stomach
pettho - like
pohonche - attain,reach
pohor - one quarter of the night(3 hours)
pohoro - period
poorush - gentleman
pota - reached
potaa - reached
poti - reach
praanni - living creature
pragatti - manifested
pramaanne - according to
pratipaar - perfect spouse
pruthvi - creation
pujaa - worship
pukaar - uproar,yell,regret
pukaare - yell
pun - virtue,religious action,opposite of "paap"
pun-vant - virtue bound
puraa - the ones who have perfected their duties
purab - complete,also East
purakh - complete
raache - live
raache - be pleased
raae-jan - kingly person
raaj - kingdom
raaja - king
raakho - protect and take care
Raam - Sri Raam, the seventh Divine manifestation
raanni - queen
raato - red
raay - king
Rabia - Sufi saintly woman(Rabia Basri)
rache-she - will contruct, establish
rachnaa - creation
raday - heart
radiyaa-mnno - best looking
ragta - red colour
Rahemaan - merciful
rakhi - devoted
rakhiyen - devotees
ramat - play
rami-zami - divine play
ramzum - twinkling noise of anklet
randaai - wasted
rann - desert,battle
ratan - jewel,valuable
rath - war chariot(horse carriage)
rav chhaaya - dusty clouds
rav - dust,soil
Ravaan - kingly character in Hinduism
ret - sand
ridheymaa - in your hearts
rohdhan - shed tears
roji - livelihood, daily bread
rokaai - be prevented
rom rahye - hair
ru - cotton
rug jujar - a type of poem,song, alluding to Holy Qur'an
rue rue - every detail
rupaa - silver
saabarmati - name of a river
saadh - straight forward
saadhyaa - performed
saaher - ocean
saam - Lord
saamaa - opposite
saambh-ro - listen
saambri - listened
saankh - connection,bond,link
saar sharir - perfect body
saar - perfect,pure
saarang - bow
saaro - to perfect,purify
saasu - mother in law
saat - seven
sadaay- always
sadaayaa - always,permanently
sadhaariya - left
safaayat - praise, intercession
saheje - instantaneously
samaannaa - to be contained,in place,encompassed
samaaryaa - sustained
samaje - understand
samar - army
sambhaalli - with care
sami- Lord
sampurann - final,complete
samudra - oceans
san-mukh - attentive,alert,face to face
sandh - ending
sandhiya - command or evening time
sangar-she - slay,attack,annhilate
sanhaar-she - destroy
sanjoge - under those circumstances
Sankha-sur - is the name of the evil demon who took away the vedas
and hid in the undersurface
sanmukh - forefront,face to face
santokhi - contented
sar-vanne - all of them
saraap - ill intentioned prayer,wish,curse
sarag - heavens
sarag bhamann - the two heavens (physical and spiritual)
sardaar - leader
sarovar - lake
sarv - rain drops
sarve - all
sasra - father in law
sat sethi - with true understanding,intentions
sat panth - the Right Path
Satgur Sohodev - one of the titles of Pir Sadardin
sati - saint
sati-ona - of the truthful
sava lakh - 125,000
savaare - to invade, to mount a horse
sehen - place,abode
sen - army
Sentar dip - Arabian Peninsula
ser - musical instruments
seta - white colour,
seva - service
shaastr - Holy literature
shaitan - evil power,Satan
shakti rupe - in a powerful form
Sham - the Lord
shangaar - decoration
sharaab - intoxicants,alcohol
sharannai- will be present
sharanne - at the abode
Shestr-arjun - powerful evil power with a large army at the time of
shil - holy
shobhe - blends,fits and shines out, to look beautiful
shukraan - thanks
sichanta - to water,to sprinkle
sidhke - steadfast
silsun - purify
silvant - pure
singhidiye - vocal instrument
sinter - 70
sir - head
sir-bandhi - one who is willing to give his/her head for the Lord,
Sirbandhi means turban. The one who is willing to
give everything to the Lord puts his turban at the feet of
the Lord and is also called "Sirbandhi".
siraji - brought into existence
sirajiyaa - created
sirbandh - the turban
Sita - wife of Sri Ram
sohaagi- married(habitant of heaven)
sohaamann - married woman
sohiye - place
Sohodev - one of the five Paandaw brothers. He had the blessings of
seing the future and the truth.
sol kalaa - splendour of sixteen heavens, also 16 mansions of the
soojaann - knower of everything,judge
sonaa - gold
sorabh - smell good
soso - hundreds, 10,000
sresti - creation,universe
srevo - worship
Sri Saarang-dhaar - Person who is worthy of being bowed to- the
sudh - awareness,consciousness
sufal - rewarding manner
suhaaghann - married
suhaagi - marriage partner
sujaata - knower
sujude - prostration
sukrit - good deeds
sun-kaal - primordial void
sunyaataa - recognised
suraj - sun
suri - Lord
surnar - souls,spirits
sutra - cotton
suvaatt - truth
taal tanbodaa - kind of drums
taalo - cure
taarann-haar - savior
taare- liberate,save
taariye - save us
tadd - split
tajaavo - make us avoid
takhate - at the throne
talai - removed
tamaaku - tobacco and drugs
tamaari - your
tambal - type of a drum
tanni - pertaining to
tap - devotion,worship,meditation
tap-naa - contemplation and prayer
tarass - thirst
tariyaa -crossed
tatv - substance,truth,reality
tedo - invitation
teel - very small,grain of simsim
teerath - Hindu pilgrimage, the confluence of three sacred rivers,
i.e. Ganges, Jamuna and Sarasvati
teesaki - from it
tej - lustre and glory, light
tej-vant - lustrious,bright,glorious
tentris kror - thirty three crores
tere - to you
thaalo - useless,empty-(thale haath - empty hands)
thaan - breasts
thaapia - establish
thar - steady
thodaa - little
thode - of little
thothaa - useless things
thud - trunk
tohoka - ornament for the neck
tol - measure,weigh
tol-taa tol-taa - constant self examination
tolyaa - measured
torann - ornamental arch
trakali - spinning instrument
Treebhovar sami - the lord of three worlds
treedhaar - triple edged
treelok - three worlds
Treta-jug - era of Treta-jug, the age in which three parts belong
to the truth and one to falsehood
trutho - very happy and generous
ttalia - go bad, rotten
tthaam - abode
turi - music
turi turi - continuos(military) music
Turing - horse
ubhaa - stood
uddaadd-she - will fly
udhaariya - glorified, saved
udi udi jaashe - will fly
ugaariya - saved
ugiyo - grown,risen
ujaagraa - sleeplessness
ujro - bright
ukhadi - uprooted
ulat-she - outplace
umaayo - supplicates
unch - high
undhhe - upside down
unniyaa-chaari - less religious person
upaavo - found,establish
upanaa - achieve,attain
upare - to be raised
upat khapat - mysterious existences
upnaa - prevail
utaar - waste,garbage
utam - exalted,lofty
Utam chand - best talk
utam karanni - exalted deeds
uthaayo - lifted,borne
utput - mysteries
utth kror - 3.5 crores
uunt - camel
vaad- fence,hedge,boundary
vaaddhi - cut off
vaadi - garden
vaadraa - clouds
vaaje - will make sounds(musical)
vaajeentra - music
vaann - boat,ship,vessel
vaanni`- speech
vaanni - folded
vaapiya - thrive
Vaaraa - half animal half human(Hog)
vaare(1) - the one in authority
vaare(2) - abondon,leave,control
vaare(3) - rescue, help
vaarya - recovered
vaasa - abode
vaat - road
vaat- way
vachan - promise, command
vadhaai-yun - happy,magnanimous
vadhaamnna - happy and joyous occassion
vadhaayun - mubaraki,felicitations,glad tidings
vadhai - increase
vadi - severe,cut
vaeese - take effect
vaheshe - flow
vaikunt vaas - expression of paradise
vakhaannu - praise
van-vaas - habitation of wild animals,jungle
vann-jo - trade in
var data - giver of bounties,favours,protector
var-she - to return, to profit
varaake - curve
varagiyaa - held our hands
varana - colours,habits or social customs
vargi - organised,formed
varti-ne - acting upon
vartiya - are in action, have spread
vasavaa - habitation
vash - forsake
vashe - odedient,under control
vasmo - arduous
vatt - path
Vaymann - pigmy,dwarf, the fifth Divine manifestation
vechaanna - sold
vechi - sell
ved - The Vedas(the hindu holy scriptures)
veech - centre
veechaari - reflect
veejri - lightning
Veekhidi - difficult
veemras - religious talk
veenanti - supplication
veennas - defect,impurity,damage
veennasi - get spoilt
veennee - selecting
veera - brothers
veerla - hero,warrior
veerodhi - cut,stop, oppose
veeshnav rupe - in the form of Vishnu
veeshva var deshe - grant bounties to the world, give a master to
the world, give a husband to the earth
vege - with speed
vela - time
venchi - sold
vepaar - trade
veshe - form,clothing,outward garb
vetarnni nadi - strict path
vetarnni - planning,test
vinavu vinavu - in humility
Vishvaa-mitr - a religious person who became jealous of Raajaa Harishchandr and Taara raani's integrity and devotion and consequently dethroned them and imposed a great deal of hardships on them.
veestaar - composition
veevaa - wedding
wazir - minister
yaan - here
zaaline - by holding firmly
zalke - shine